Our Story

Brandon and Harrison sitting with their hands folded smiling at the camera.


How It All Got Started

Text us to get the full tea (+917-920-2120), read about it somewhere online...or grab a drink with us after a show on tour for storytelling hour (we like tequila)!

We get asked the questions below a lot...

How do you end up on stage during the show?

There are two ways! The first is you can end up getting casted as a lead contestant which means you will come out on stage with blindfolds on to kick off the show. To get casted as a lead contestant, you must first buy a ticket to the show and then apply through our casting portal on the website (updatingshow.com/casting). The other way to end up on stage is by snagging a ticket to go to join the audience and you'll have a chance at the end of the show to come up on stage to shoot your shot! These are some of the wilder moments of the show and all are welcome.

If I'm unsure about getting casted, what should I do?

Buy a ticket to reserve your seat in the crowd!! You can always apply to be on it up until the week before the show if you are still deciding if it's right for you to throw your hat in the ring. As mentioned above, you can always still end up on stage by starting off in the audience.

If you do not want to participate on the show, is that okay?

YES! YES! YES! We have huge audiences at our shows when only a few actually end up on stage in the show itself.

Can you attend UpDating if you are not single?

UMMMM OF COURSE! Only the contestants are single (or at least they tell us that) but our UpDating fans & crowds are made up of a wide mix of folks in relationships, married, and single who just want to enjoy the show as a spectator!!

How long is the show?

Roughly 90 minutes!! Also, the fun doesn't stop when the show ends as there are usually after party meet n' greets on our tour stops!! Apparently, that's where the tea really goes down!

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